Sunday, August 31, 2014

Never Say Never

    I always considered myself an independent woman with very high goals and a good head on my shoulders. I never thought anything without extra hard work would ever pay off. Now, I will tell you, I was considered the "fat kid" in my class growing up. Constantly, I've worked to lose weight and achieve health goals, even to this day. This summer, my eyes were opened up to a new world of natural life changing opportunity.
    All my life, I have struggled with bullying and weight issues before realizing I had to put in the time to really get to my goal. But even when I was there, at my goal weight, it was super hard to maintain the results and enjoy life at the same time...UNTIL NOW! I have started a life that I like to call my new all natural life and I decided to start blogging to document my journey into this new transformation.
    Firstly, over two years ago now, I started hot yoga. It has changed my life in many ways. I wake up in the morning craving to sweat and stretch, but mostly to have that time of peace and inner reflection. Yoga has taught me inner strength, love, confidence, and granted me peace of learning to let go of what I've been holding onto for too long. I honor myself daily for reaching higher than I thought possible, knowing that I have the courage and mind set to get there. Yoga was my first step into the new life I love and strengthen everyday.
    My strength grew with yoga, but the change in my body that came along with the practice enhanced my overall happiness and well being. I tried so many fad diets and detoxes over the years, I feel I could be an expert, but nothing has helped me more than trying to stick to an all natural life style. I try to eat really healthy foods with little to no additives. But there has always been that "fat kid" in me that just loves her fattening cookies, chicken nuggets, and anything covered in chocolate or Nutella. How do you keep a healthy life style with SO many amazing foods around?!
        NO WAY was I trying diet pills
        NO WAY was I trying anymore detoxes having me feeling I contracted salmonella
        NO WAY was I spending a ton of money on spa treatments or anything medically enhancing
This is when I found the company that changed my attitude..
    A friend of mine had been posting multiple pictures, information, and other related images of the company she works for. They supply health and body wraps and supplements to help you reach your overall goals and keep them. I always shook my head saying, "It's just a gimic" or "It would never really work for me." Then my friend messaged me to chat up about the new products she was trying. It got me interested but I never wanted to get sucked into a scam or another fad. So, I said I'd try it for her...MAN WAS I WRONG!
    This company's products have already changed my life so drastically and so fast that I actually have decided to start working for them too! I am shocked I am even saying that, but I have fallen in love and will never say never again... within reason of course!
    The company I now work for it called ItWorks! I know many of you have probably heard or seen stuff about it, but for those that haven't or those still in doubt of them I am here to tell you I am in love with this company and the products they offer. My site is: You can go and read up on all of our amazing products with all natural ingredients, but I will also be posting my reviews and what it has done for me on this blog as often as I can. I am not trying to pressure anyone to buying, I just want other to feel as great about themselves and reach their goals health and body wise the way I did and ItWorks was a big part of that.
    So with that in mind, I'd like this blog to be a personal review on the all natural things I am trying out in my life and hopefully I can inspire others to take on a more healthy and successful lifestyle!
